
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years 2013 to 2014

Just wanted to share this great video with all of you from House Wolf in Vermont, who makes great doggie biscuits and their human cookies are delicious too!
See if you know any of these huskies from our blog?
I bet you know a couple of them.
Thank you House Wolf for including: Nala, Boo, Ariel, Timber and Chip into your year end video!
We appreciate it!
hugs, Holly and the huskies

Monday, December 30, 2013

It's back!

The girls are out today enjoying the return of the snow!
It's suppose to snow all week here.
The huskies are happy once again and hoping for a lot more of it!



Sunday, December 29, 2013

Station Rotation on a Rainy day...

The snow is gone again this weekend and in the 40's,but it's suppose to return all this coming week.
So, this is what our huskies do on rainy, cold, damp days, sleep in their favorite spots throughout the house.
Ariel all cozy in her ball on the sofa for now.

Boo and Chip sharing Timber's doggie bed.

Boo now rotated to the sofa after Ariel left it.

Boo now on her own doggie bed with her blankie. 

Ariel now on Timber's doggie bed and little Chip on the other dog bed.

Ariel completely relaxed while she sleeps.

Timber trying to get his doggie bed back.

And Nala's favorite spot in the house is our bed.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Out enjoying the snow...

Ariel in a pile of snow.

I love how a husky curls up in a ball in the snow.

Chip in his ball.

Boo just lovin' the snow!

The 3 musketeers: Boo, Chip and Ariel.

Snow Queen Nala.
I love this photo of her in the pure white, fallen snow.
Some days this week we had snow flurries and other days it was sunny with the snow.
They are calling for the weekend to be in the 40's, yuck!
And then next week cold and more snow!
The huskies and I wish the snow would just stick around.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The aftermath of Christmas day with 6 Sibes in the house...

Yes, we had 6 Sibes here on Christmas day.
And no, we didn't get another one.
Kodah was just visiting for the day, but he is always welcomed to stay.
And Nala caught up on her sleep today along with Timber too.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Chip's 1st Christmas!

Here are some glimpses of Chip's 1st Christmas with his Sibe siblings, mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa and cousin Kodah.
Daddy helping the huskies with their presents.

Chip gets his first Christmas present.

He got a lump of coal.

Daddy likes to squeak the presents and toss them in the air to see who will catch it.

Boo is the best at opening presents!

Chip is taking lessons on opening gifts from his big sis, Boo.

Chip tries catching a present.
The huskies howled out some Christmas Carols.
Chip started to howl a bit.

Timber with his Christmas Eeyore.

Ariel loves to sit by her mommy.
She got a little piglet toy, since she likes to squeal like one.
Boo checks out the bag of goodies.

Nala knows if she stands by grandpa he will share sweet cookie treats with her.

The boys, Chip, cousin Kodah and Timber up close.

Ariel sniffs her goody bag.

Chip was surprised he got toys and treats!

Chip with his stuffed snowman.
Chip says, I have been a good boy. I don't deserve a lump of coal just because I am the puppy of the pack.

Chip on daddy's lap Christmas day.

Chip and Boo sitting among all the presents Santa brought them today.

Nala and Boo relaxing after opening their presents.

Timber just hangs out on his doggie bed.

Boo just loves Christmas.
Boo's 1st Christmas, she was just a puppy about 3months old.
That is when we just had Nala and Boo.
We went to my parents house that Christmas with the girls and Boo managed to find a stuffed bear in the house and brought it out into the living room and sat down with it as if it was hers.  My mom and I still laugh about it.

Chip taking a quick nap in between the events of the day.

Timber with his new teddy bear that Santa got for him.

Chip opens his Christmas lamb toy with the help of mommy and Ariel.
I saw this toy and had to get it for him because my first Christmas, my aunt gave me a stuffed lamb, that I still have to this day. Hopefully, Chip's lamb last a longtime too.

I think some little puppy is getting tired after a wonderful Christmas day.

Boo is out for the night after a fun day of opening her Christmas presents.

Good night little Chip.
We hope you had a wonderful 1st Christmas.
And we hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas day with your family and friends.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Doggie biscuit cookies for our story time on Christmas Eve.
Yes, I read a story to the huskies on Christmas Eve and
the biscuits are by Biscuit Buddy Company.

Elf Princess Boo.

Candy Cane Elf Ariel sniffing the plate of biscuits.

Old St.Nick Timber lookin' over the plate of biscuits.

Mommy had to put the hood up and take a quick photo of Old St.Nick, Timber.
Too cute!

Mommy, we are ready for Christmas Eve story time, says the huskies.

Nala finally came to join in on Christmas Eve story time.

Mommy handing out the biscuits.

Nala with her Christmas Eve bow on.

This is Chip's first Christmas Eve, so we are trying to make it very special for him and all of them.

Ariel with her biscuit and ready for story time.

And here is our book of choice that we got in the mail today!
Buddy, the Christmas Husky, based on a true Holiday Miracle
written by
Dorothy Wills-Raftery
and illustrated by Barbara K. Slocum

Boo with the book and her biscuit.

As you can see Ariel is hiding her biscuit under her chin, clever girl.

And here is Holly and the huskies reading this great, wonderful book!
Ariel really loved the book she knows what its like to be a rescue and having a human angel to take her in forever.
If you haven't gotten your copy yet, get one soon!
We would like to wish all our friends and family a Wonderful and Merry Christmas!
PS-We are having a white Christmas here in the Finger Lake Region of NY.