
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Our visit to the Easter bunny...

Where's the Easter bunny?, the huskies ask.

Boo says, Here he is!

We hope you enjoy the photos from our visit with the Easter bunny.
Boo is singing and Chip is checking out the bunny to see if he is real.

This is Chip's first time with the Easter bunny, so he did a lot of investigating.

Timber is really in there.

There is Timber peeking out between Nala and Boo.

Boo started another song.

And Boo belts another howl.

Well, that's the best photo we got with the Easter bunny.

Chip loves the Easter bunny and is happy he got to meet him.

It was so good to see Timber up and about today and enjoying his day out with us.

Here's daddy with Nala, Boo and Timber.
Nala is keeping an eye on the Easter bunny to make sure he brings some treats for her on Easter.

She went back over to double check with him.

As you can see before we left the huskies caught site of some little dogs coming to see the Easter bunny.

Nala tells the pack its time to go home now.
Our ride home, Chip was telling Nala how much fun he had with the Easter bunny.

Then Chip had to tell Ariel too.

Boo decided to nap.

And Timber stretched out for the ride home.


  1. haha!!!! Those are great photo's!!
    Happy weekend!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  2. What a fun day! Love the pics, Holly! Sharing over on our FiveSibes page, too! Happy Easter!
