
Monday, September 30, 2013

Pray for our boy...

I took Timber to the vet today for a nail trim and a urine sample,
since we had some potty issues last with along
with some possible senior issues.
The vet discussed possible issues related to what has been going on with Timber at home.
She felt it could be 2 things either dementia or kidney failure, which have meds to help it.
She suggested a bloodwork on his thyroid etc. since he has that condition that could affect one of these issues.  I agreed with her to do it all, the whole panel and she did.
She came back with a not so good news.
It's not kidney failure, not his thyroid, but internal bleeding somewhere in his body like Oreo.
His red &white cell counts were low along with his protein counts.
We are off to the ultrasound tech in Mendon,NY on Thursday morning for a further look at
to what is going on inside.
I love this tech because she lets Mike and I come in and be with her and Timber during the process and explains everything she is doing.
Timber has done this before with her, so he is used to it.
But, please pray for the best for him.
I hope we have caught it sooner then later and that something can be done to help him.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

What is that?

Chip has never seen the local farmer that cuts our pasture lots for hay,
whereas the girls have in the years past.
Chip had to inspect the first bale of hay and bark at it to tell it to stay in its place.
As you can see Boo is laughing at her silly little brother.
 Mommy put Chip up on that first bale so he could see what it was for sure.

So, he sniffed it.
 Then he realized he was on top of the world and higher then his sisters.
Now, he says I can get you girls from up here.
Mommy made them all come back up to the house to watch from the front steps. 
 There is part of the load.
The huskies are taking guesses in how many bales will be made this year?
 There is the big tractor that picks up the cut hay and makes into a bale.
 As you can see the second trailer is filling up with hay bales.
 Nala had to go down and inspect the last bale.


Boo had to check it out too.

There goes the 21 bales of hay!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

In Grandma's arms...

Chip at grandma and grandpa's house today.

Come on grandma I used to be able to fit in your arms, says Chip.
(Chip is now 7months old)
Ok, I will settle for half on your lap today grandma, says Chip.

Chip cuddling with grandma the day we brought him home at 8 weeks old.

Pure sweetness then and now.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Auntie Dorothy!

Holly and the huskies would like to wish our
dear friend, Auntie Dorothy from FiveSibes blog
 a wonderful
and happy birthday!
We hope you have many more wonderful
birthdays with your family and furkids!
Hugs and kisses,
Holly, Nala, Boo, Ariel, Chip and Timber

 Ariel and Chip



Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pumpkin' Posin' huskies...

 As you can see Boo is the most photogenic of the crew.
I have always loved her big brown eyes.

Chip just a chillin'.

Timber posin' with his pumpkin.

Nala actually had her eyes opened for at least this picture.

Beautiful Boo. 

Boo and little brother, Chip.

Ariel,Chip and Boo front and center with the pumpkins.

And Boo says: Happy Fall everyone!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Who's out in the field?

Which husky is it?
Is it one of the black and white huskies?
We see a snout now.
Now we have another side shot.
Can you guess who it is?
It's me, Chip!
He loves hunting with his Sibe sisters for field mice.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We got our pictures from Barktober Fest!

Here are the pictures of mommy and the girls, Nala,Boo & Ariel.

All proceeds from the pictures go right to the animals at Lollypop Farm.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Who's behind the curtain?

I see someone peeking out behind the curtain.
Now we see a little more.
Oh, its Chip!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Where did the girls go?

Mommy and the girls went to Barktober Fest
in Victor, NY.
The festival is a fundraiser event for Lollypop Farm in Victor,NY.
Lollypop Farm is where Ariel came from to us through
Rescued Treasures out of Rochester, NY.

And with the girls in the lead off to the festival we go!
(Even in the rain all day we had a good time.)

Boo says:hi to the big black German Shepard.  She loves German Shepard's!

Come on ma, lets go say hi to those dogs, the girls say.

Ariel meets a new little friend at the festival.

Nala also got to meet a German Shepard.

Oh, isn't he a cute little husky pup?
Nala asked mom, we aren't getting another pup, are we?

Ariel was having a great time playing with this little guy.

This little girl dog jumped up to say hi nose to nose with Boo.

When we got home Chip wanted to know what the girls got in their goody bag.
There were just enough treats for everyone.

Mommy got this cool caricature done of the girls.
Can you tell who's who?
The vendor booth was titled Caricatures by Kate.