
Monday, October 28, 2013

Double Bonus Blog Night!

I had to add this blog of Chip in his Halloween bib
being so wickedly handsome!

Bonus blog tonight!!!

Ok, as you have already read Ariel and I are off to MI.
So, since I will miss Halloween (one of my favorite days of the year and Chip's 1st Halloween too!),
Here are the huskies in their Halloween costumes
that grandma got them.
Thanks grandma!
Ariel and Chip

Chip being funny.

Boo our pirate girl.

Ariel our cheerleader.

Nala was head of security of the Halloween candy.

Mr. Mellow Timber was a rufferee.

Boo and Chip laughing at mommy dressing them up for Halloween.


Chip was our football player.


Boo and Ariel






Chip and Nala

Nala and Boo


Chip, Nala, Boo and Ariel

Nala, Boo, Timber and Ariel


Here is our football player and cheerleader.
Chip is so comical.

Our sleeping pirate girl.

Our football player just chillin'.

And our exhausted ref.

Off We Go...

Ariel is checking her bag for her trip to Midland, MI.
 I think I am all set ma, says Ariel.
We will be off to Midland, MI for the Siberian Husky Club of America's rescue parade.
We will be taking Timber's picture for the parade as well.
So, we won't be blogging for a couple of days, but I am sure
when we return to NY we will have a lot to blog about.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Ariel and Chip got their prizes today in the mail from the
FiveSibes Summer Photo Contest.
 The winning photo.
Ariel checkin' out the goodies.
Chip seems to favor the Howling Harvest Bars.
They will be sharing the treats with Nala ,Boo and Timber too.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Where's Chip?

Mommy found you boys.
Kodah was over visiting today.
So, he and Chip decided to take a nap together

What ma? ask Chip
We were just pretending to nap.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ariel being cozy...

The weather is starting to change here in the Finger Lake region of NY
Ariel is starting to get her snownose along with Boo.
So, you know what that means the snow is coming exactly what the huskies want!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mom's little garden helper, guess who?

Hey, ma you missed some over here, says Chip.

Aren't I cute? ask Chip.

Chip checkin' out what's going on over that way.

I am supervising ma cleaning up her butterfly bushes, says Chip.
It's not so hard being a working class dog, says Chip.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Ariel and Boo's day out...

Ariel aka Minnie, giving mommy some sass about sitting for a picture.
 How's that mommy? ask Ariel.
This is mommy's favorite photo of Ariel.

Here is Happy Feet the Penguin aka Happy Boo!
She was a good sport about putting up the hood on the costume.
 Here is a full view of Boo in the penguin costume.

The girls, shopping through Petsmart.