
Monday, September 30, 2013

Pray for our boy...

I took Timber to the vet today for a nail trim and a urine sample,
since we had some potty issues last with along
with some possible senior issues.
The vet discussed possible issues related to what has been going on with Timber at home.
She felt it could be 2 things either dementia or kidney failure, which have meds to help it.
She suggested a bloodwork on his thyroid etc. since he has that condition that could affect one of these issues.  I agreed with her to do it all, the whole panel and she did.
She came back with a not so good news.
It's not kidney failure, not his thyroid, but internal bleeding somewhere in his body like Oreo.
His red &white cell counts were low along with his protein counts.
We are off to the ultrasound tech in Mendon,NY on Thursday morning for a further look at
to what is going on inside.
I love this tech because she lets Mike and I come in and be with her and Timber during the process and explains everything she is doing.
Timber has done this before with her, so he is used to it.
But, please pray for the best for him.
I hope we have caught it sooner then later and that something can be done to help him.

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