
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Out in the woods...

And the walk begins with Ariel, Kodah(our house guest for the week) and Boo.
Kodah see's something of interest?
 He ask can I go, can I go get it?
Come on sister, Holly let me go, says Kodah.
 Boo you smell good, says Kodah.
 Here comes trouble, oops I mean Chip.
 The one and only shot Ariel sat long enough for...

Chip says I am with the big dogs now.
 Chip, Kodah and Boo.

Miss Nala joins the trio to make it a quartet now.
 And the trio is back.
 Nala says, I am back!
 Boo says, time for some music.
 Kodah being a good boy.
The crew on the walk, Ariel, Kodah, Boo, Nala and Chip.
Timber stayed behind due to his legs being unstable at times,
we don't want him to get hurt out in the woods.
 The crew again, but up close this time.
They are really looking at daddy for a T-R-E-A-T. 
Well, we all at least have our heads up now.
 I love my Ariel, but she is a little on the ditsy side when it comes to focusing on the T-R-E-A-T.
And the huskies save the best photo for last.
Boo, Kodah, Ariel(in middle),Chip and Nala(right in front of her daddy).

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