
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Mommy's soccer assistant today...

As I was loading up my wagon today to go to work this morning, which was to play soccer
with a bunch of little kids.
I really have a great job and I am thankful for it.
Anyways, someone else jumped in with the soccer balls, can you guess?
Miss Boo wanted to go for a ride.
She was a very good girl in mommy's wagon during soccer. She just slept in the front seat.
After all the kids left Boo got to go around and sniff where all the kids had been playing.
She seems to be enjoying the cool air we have here in NY.


  1. Hi Miss Boo, I live a bit north of you in Penfield and just did a post about soccer today too.


  2. What a great assistant you are! Be sure to stop over to our blog today and check out the "Summer Fun" video slideshow you guys are in! Woo!
