
Friday, September 20, 2013

Our little man is 7months old today...

April 2013 at 8weeks old

April 2013
Chip hanging with his big brother, Timber.
 May 2013
Chip in his kiddie pool.
 June 2013
Mommy and Chip
before he got too big to carry around.
June 2013
 Sis, Ariel and Chip hanging out together enjoying a nice sunny day.
 July 2013
Chip playing with one of his toys.
 July 2013
Chip being snugly with Ariel.
July 2013
Christmas in July 
 August 2013
Chip making a silly face.

August 2013
The day Chip got fixed and weighed in at 45pounds at 6months old.
 September 2013
Chip is getting a little too big for his kiddie pool now.
Mommy will have to buy a bigger one next summer.
September 2013
The day Chip got to go Petsmart for the first time! 
September 2013
Chip and Ariel over Labor day weekend.

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