
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Off to the pumpkin patch...

Every fall I take Boo to a local area pumpkin patch (that of course allows dogs)
since her birthday is in October.
This year we took Chip and cousin Kodah since he was visiting this week.
Chip thinks he found the great pumpkin!

Kodah and Boo help Chip out in finding the great pumpkin.

Boo says: Maybe it's over here boys.

 Boo tells Chip maybe these smaller pumpkins are more your size.

As you can see Chip is in the lower corner of the photo here.
He really wants a big pumpkin because he says he is a big boy.

 Chip really likes this pumpkin.

Yes, ma I want this one, says Chip.

Kodah says, I think I like this one.

Boo says, I want this big plump one.

Before we left the huskies caught a glimpse of the billy goats.

As soon as the goats saw the huskies coming closer they ran up for safety.

As you can see Boo and Kodah were very interested in the goats and
asked for one for Christmas.

Here's mommy with Chip, Kodah and Boo.
The staff at Wickham Farms were awesome with the dogs and were kind enough
to get this photo of all of us.

My co-pilot on the ride home, Miss Boo.

The boys in the backseat with all the pumpkins.
Kodah sitting next to his pumpkin.

Chip wants to know when we can do this again?

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