
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

We've had some visitors lately...

Who's here? ask the huskies.
 The other night when it was rainy out we had a frog on the back door.
We usually have lots of toads around, but this little frog was so cute.
I asked the huskies if mommy could adopt him, I didn't get a reply, so I take that as a no.

 Then we had a momma deer and her 2 young ones come into the backyard the other day.
 And this was the best a hawk sitting in the tree out in our pasture lot.
 Who then came down and walked around our backyard and if it were just saying hi to us.
I was sitting on the back deck and I was able to get up and get closer with the camera and the hawk didn't seem to mind at all.
When I took Chip to the animal blessing the Native American lady said the hawk is the sign
of a message from a spirit.
And what amazed me all the dogs were outside with me and not one of them made an attempt to
chase it away.
Maybe the huskies sense more then we do.

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