
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Getting ready to decorate for fall...

Mom, brought us some goodies home, says Boo.

Chip says : Let me see, let me see!

Chip says: that's mine sister.

Ariel says: No, mommy got it for me.
We got 5 mini pumpkins for now and 6 white little gourds,
but we are already missing one white gourd.
Can you guess who took it?
If you follow the blog you will know. It's the one husky who likes to sit on the outdoor furniture,
Chip!  He must have been  hungry for a snack.

Timber came by to make sure he got one of the bigger ones.

Ariel says : Timber which one did ma get you?
Timber says: I told ma I wanted one of the bigger ones.

Chip giving his big brother Timber a kiss.
I am not sure if Timber was up for that?

The 3 Musketeers:
Ariel, Chip and Timber

Chip ask: Ma where's mine?

 Chip up close and personal, asking ma if she needs any help?

Ariel points to her pumpkin that mommy helped her decorate.

She is making sure everyone knows it's hers.
Ariel wants to go hide her pumpkin so no one named Chip takes it on her.

Nala's pumpkin says: She is the queen here.

Chip's says: He is the baby here.
He makes the funniest faces.

Ok, ma get my other good side, says Chip.

Boo's pumpkin says: She is the howlin' husky here.

Timber's says: Mr. Mellow here.

Of course, we had to take the picture on his doggie bed.
We love Halloween and Fall here.
Boo's birthday is in Oct. along with Halloween, doggie costume parties and
pumpkin picking trips with the huskies.
Happy Fall!

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